Bundles of Love πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

Good News!

Do you know that every journey of love seeks a special path? For one to navigate this path, one must try to be active and engage the mind where every thought is processed discreetly or magnified out of proportion. I recommend 14 Verses of Valentine & The Missing Book of St. Valentine to you as you navigate this journey.

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βœ“ 14 Verses of St. Valentine
βœ“ The Missing Book of St. Valentine

Yours in-ink

Maxwell O. Opia-Enwemuche

Ozoemena ||Diary of a Keke Driver

Rejection Letters : A Make or Break Path for Writers?

Any man or woman who sets out to write, first delights himself/herself with the aura of his/her writing before sending it out to others to have a taste or feel of it.It pains to know that the feedback that trail the writers behind every piece adjudged good by the writer first will either make or break the writer. Permit me to say here that rejection is as old as human kind. Even the biblical Cain got his creative sacrifice rejected and that got a bad part of him. His perception about himself was never the same and the rest is actually a loud history of sacrificial sermons. This epic rejection is still resonating till tomorrow and has caused so many writers their piece of mind which sometimes puts a full stop to their existence as a writer.Rejection letters are like multivitamins if you ask me. They make some writers write more while pushing them to achieve peace while others may never recover from mental breakdown. Have you ever felt better knowing that rejection is like a cerebral multivitamin waiting to light up your mind again? I have never stopped creating masterpieces since my first rejection, although it maybe difficult to believe, I have taken writing as easy as normal breathing. I have entered big writing competitions or even submissions to major literary journals and got the kind of rejections that could have drowned me. In this condition, suicide becomes a beautiful bride seeking for a potential groom. This condition is one not to be wished upon anyone for our shock absorbers are different depending on our make up.Rejection is the litmus test of every writer no matter the genre involved. It becomes a bedrock where writers congregate and decide to either sprout for greatness or lament and wither into the arms of the ugly oblivion who is always ready with useless hugs for self pity. I have personally had and still having my own share of rejection letters flooding my submittable inbox. I am behind the wheel seeing every form of rejection from the back end. My self-esteem was almost eroded and I wondered what would’ve become of my story. I had to advice myself that I will never give up this gift until the world hears my name.Eject your true self from every form of rEJECTion letter(s) and you will see how you blossom without shaking hands with self doubt and denial who come begging for it on gloomy days. I have had my fair share of rejection and it has spurred me to write this epistle. I believe this will heal souls out of the billions on planet earth.To know whether rejection letters are a make or break path for writers rest squarely on the shoulders of these writers and except they open up, we may not be able to know or understand the reasons why writers take their lives recklessly without regards and blame the system.Opia-Enwemuche Maxwell Onyemaechi
Author, Ozoemena (No More Weeping)